Feber (feber.se)

“Feber.se is Scandinavia's largest tech site with over 200 000 unique vistors in Sweden every week.” – Source

Ethical design violations

(Learn more about Ethical Design.)

After Better

Summary of site performance statistics (before & after Better)

Requests: 111 requests 104 requests 6%
Weight: 2.74 MB 2.69 MB 2%
Speed: 28.43 seconds 26.49 seconds 7%

Statistics by Better Inspector based on the page as on Sunday, August 7th 2016

Block rules

Clean up

Remove empty space at top of site to improve reading experience.

- trigger:
  - url-filter: feber.se
  - load-type: first-party
- action:
  - selector: #workey_top_container
  - type: css-display-none

About Better

Better is a Safari content blocker for iPhone, iPad, and Mac. It protects you from trackers and malvertising by enforcing the principles of Ethical Design.

Get involved

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