Ignore Previous Rules (Refinements to block blocker blockers)

The rules here negate the block rules set up previously. They are used to work around sites that block Better.

Fix styles and behaviour on tradedoubler.com

Allow tradedoubler.com subdomains on tradedoubler.com to fix styles and behaviour.

- trigger:
  - url-filter: tradedoubler.com
  - load-type: third-party
  - if-domain: publishers.tradedoubler.com
- action:
  - type: ignore-previous-rules

Fix forms on www.s1jobs.com

We let Google Tag Manager through for www.s1jobs.com as otherwise the forms don’t work.

- trigger:
  - url-filter: www.googletagservices.com
  - load-type: third-party
  - if-domain: www.s1jobs.com
- action:
  - type: ignore-previous-rules

Fix login on weather.com

We let a npttech.com tracker through for weather.com as otherwise location-specific content doesn’t load.

- trigger:
  - url-filter: www.npttech.com
  - load-type: third-party
  - if-domain: weather.com
- action:
  - type: ignore-previous-rules

Unblock blocker blocker on ca.investing.com

We let a googlesyndication.com tracker through to avoid blocker blocker detection.

- trigger:
  - url-filter: pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/js/adsbygoogle.js
  - load-type: third-party
  - if-domain: ca.investing.com
- action:
  - type: ignore-previous-rules

Fix images on www.20minutos.es

We let a gigya.com tracker through for www.20minutos.es as otherwise the images don’t load.

- trigger:
  - url-filter: gigya.com
  - load-type: third-party
  - if-domain: www.20minutos.es, 20minutos.es
- action:
  - type: ignore-previous-rules

Fix login on www.chicagotribune.com

We let a go-mpulse.net tracker through for www.chicagotribune.com as otherwise the login button doesn’t load.

- trigger:
  - url-filter: go-mpulse.net
  - load-type: third-party
  - if-domain: www.chicagotribune.com
- action:
  - type: ignore-previous-rules

We let a trb.com tracker through for www.chicagotribune.com as otherwise the login form doesn’t work.

- trigger:
  - url-filter: tribune.signon.trb.com
  - load-type: third-party
  - if-domain: www.chicagotribune.com
- action:
  - type: ignore-previous-rules

Fix login on mylogin.abc.net.au

We let a gigya.com tracker through for mylogin.abc.net.au as otherwise the login doesn’t load.

- trigger:
  - url-filter: gigya.com
  - load-type: third-party
  - if-domain: mylogin.abc.net.au, abc.net.au
- action:
  - type: ignore-previous-rules

Fix content on merkurist.de

We let Azure by Microsoft through for merkurist.de as otherwise the content doesn’t load.

- trigger:
  - url-filter: msecnd.net
  - load-type: third-party
  - if-domain: merkurist.de
- action:
  - type: ignore-previous-rules

Block popup-style targeted ads on jkanime.net and animestream.in

The scripts on these sites are first-party, so we hide the targeted ads to reduce harm as much as we can.

- trigger:
  - url-filter: jkanime.net
  - load-type: first-party
- action:
  - selector: iframe
  - type: css-display-none
- trigger:
  - url-filter: animestream.in
  - load-type: first-party
- action:
  - selector: iframe
  - type: css-display-none

Fix videos on bravotv.com

We let FreeWheel by Comcast through just for www.bravotv.com as otherwise the videos break.

- trigger:
  - url-filter: fwmrm.net
  - load-type: third-party
  - if-domain: bravotv.com, www.bravotv.com
- action:
  - type: ignore-previous-rules

Fix content on www.toyota.at

We let a gigya.com tracker through for www.toyota.at as otherwise various content doesn’t load.

- trigger:
  - url-filter: gigya.com
  - load-type: third-party
  - if-domain: www.toyota.at, toyota.at
- action:
  - type: ignore-previous-rules

Fix forgotten password page on www.aircanada.com

We let a gigya.com tracker through for www.aircanada.com as otherwise the forgotten password page content doesn’t load.

- trigger:
  - url-filter: gigya.com
  - load-type: third-party
  - if-domain: www.aircanada.com, aircanada.com
- action:
  - type: ignore-previous-rules

Fix support page on www.berlingske.dk

We let a gigya.com tracker through for www.berlingske.dk as otherwise the support page content doesn’t load.

- trigger:
  - url-filter: gigya.com
  - load-type: third-party
  - if-domain: www.berlingske.dk, berlingske.dk
- action:
  - type: ignore-previous-rules

Fix images on www.onesignal.com

We let media.onesignal.com through for hubspot.com as otherwise the login functionality gets stuck in a reloading loop.

- trigger:
  - url-filter: media.onesignal.com
  - load-type: third-party
  - if-domain: www.onesignal.com, onesignal.com
- action:
  - type: ignore-previous-rules

Fix login on www.thebodyshop.com

We let a gigya.com tracker through for www.thebodyshop.com as otherwise the login doesn’t load.

- trigger:
  - url-filter: gigya.com
  - load-type: third-party
  - if-domain: www.thebodyshop.com, thebodyshop.com
- action:
  - type: ignore-previous-rules

Fix images on bbc.com

We let a Google funding choices script through for bbc.com as otherwise the consent functionality (and subsequently the images) are blocked from loading.

- trigger:
  - url-filter: fundingchoicesmessages.google.com
  - load-type: third-party
  - if-domain: bbc.com, bbc.co.uk, www.bbc.com, www.bbc.co.uk
- action:
  - type: ignore-previous-rules

Fix login on hubspot.com

We let api.hubspot.com through for hubspot.com as otherwise the login functionality gets stuck in a reloading loop.

- trigger:
  - url-filter: api.hubspot.com
  - load-type: third-party
  - if-domain: app.hubspot.com, hubspot.com
- action:
  - type: ignore-previous-rules

Fix login on ge.appliancesaccount.io

We let a gigya.com tracker through for ge.appliancesaccount.io as otherwise the login doesn’t load.

- trigger:
  - url-filter: gigya.com
  - load-type: third-party
  - if-domain: ge.appliancesaccount.io
- action:
  - type: ignore-previous-rules

Fix capitalone.com

We let a New Relic script through for capitalone.com as otherwise the page functionality breaks.

- trigger:
  - url-filter: js-agent.newrelic.com
  - load-type: third-party
  - if-domain: capitalone.com, verified.capitalone.com, myaccounts.capitalone.com
- action:
  - type: ignore-previous-rules

Fix chase.com

We let a New Relic script through for chase.com as otherwise the page functionality breaks.

- trigger:
  - url-filter: js-agent.newrelic.com
  - load-type: third-party
  - if-domain: chase.com, secure03b.chase.com
- action:
  - type: ignore-previous-rules

Block blocker blocker on investing.com

We let the ad blocker detector through for investing.com so the blocker blocker is not triggered.

- trigger:
  - url-filter: static.doubleclick.net/instream/ad_status.js
  - load-type: third-party
  - if-domain: ca.investing.com, www.investing.com
- action:
  - type: ignore-previous-rules

Fix content on vk.com

We let subdomain resources through for vk.com as otherwise the content doesn’t load.

- trigger:
  - url-filter: st6-22.vk.com
  - load-type: third-party
  - if-domain: vk.com
- action:
  - type: ignore-previous-rules

Fix shop on talktalk.co.uk

We let Optimizely scripts through for talktalk.co.uk as otherwise the shop content doesn’t load.

- trigger:
  - url-filter: cdn*.optimizely.com
  - load-type: third-party
  - if-domain: www.talktalk.co.uk
- action:
  - type: ignore-previous-rules

Fix sign on workspace.circuitmaker.com

We let two scripts from Marketo through for workspace.circuitmaker.com as otherwise the sign up form doesn’t load.

- trigger:
  - url-filter: app-sjf.marketo.com
  - load-type: third-party
  - if-domain: workspace.circuitmaker.com
- action:
  - type: ignore-previous-rules
- trigger:
  - url-filter: app-sjqe.marketo.com
  - load-type: third-party
  - if-domain: workspace.circuitmaker.com
- action:
  - type: ignore-previous-rules

Fix login on open.ac.uk

We let a gigya.com tracker through for open.ac.uk as otherwise the login doesn’t load.

- trigger:
  - url-filter: gigya.com
  - load-type: third-party
  - if-domain: msds.open.ac.uk
- action:
  - type: ignore-previous-rules

Fix content on wordwall.net

We let Azure by Microsoft through for wordwall.net as otherwise the content doesn’t load.

- trigger:
  - url-filter: msecnd.net
  - load-type: third-party
  - if-domain: wordwall.net
- action:
  - type: ignore-previous-rules

Unblock blocker blocker on pnp.de videos

We let a Google tracker through for pnp.de to unblock the blocker blocker on the videos.

- trigger:
  - url-filter: imasdk.googleapis.com/js/sdkloader
  - load-type: third-party
  - if-domain: pnp.de, www.pnp.de
- action:
  - type: ignore-previous-rules

Fix styles on bild.de

We fix styles on bild.de by allowing bild.de’s fonts and CSS to load.

- trigger:
  - url-filter: a.bildstatic.de/fonts
  - load-type: third-party
  - if-domain: bild.de, www.bild.de, m.bild.de
- action:
  - type: ignore-previous-rules
- trigger:
  - url-filter: a.bildstatic.de/styles
  - load-type: third-party
  - if-domain: bild.de, www.bild.de, m.bild.de
- action:
  - type: ignore-previous-rules

Fix content on www.predictit.org

We let Azure by Microsoft through for www.predictit.org as otherwise the content doesn’t load.

- trigger:
  - url-filter: msecnd.net
  - load-type: third-party
  - if-domain: www.predictit.org
- action:
  - type: ignore-previous-rules

Fix terms and conditions on Google sites

We let a google.com consent tracker through for Google sites as otherwise the terms and conditions do not load.

- trigger:
  - url-filter: consent.google.es
  - load-type: third-party
- action:
  - type: ignore-previous-rules
- trigger:
  - url-filter: consent.google.com
  - load-type: third-party
- action:
  - type: ignore-previous-rules
- trigger:
  - url-filter: id.google.es
  - load-type: third-party
- action:
  - type: ignore-previous-rules

Fix login on boots.com and boots.ie

We let a gigya.com tracker through for boots.com and boots.ie as otherwise the login does not load.

- trigger:
  - url-filter: gigya.com
  - load-type: third-party
  - if-domain: www.boots.com, www.boots.ie
- action:
  - type: ignore-previous-rules

Fix content on insider.office.com

We let Azure by Microsoft through for insider.office.com as otherwise the content doesn’t load.

- trigger:
  - url-filter: msecnd.net
  - load-type: third-party
  - if-domain: insider.office.com
- action:
  - type: ignore-previous-rules

Fix search on telekom.de

We let a tiqcdn.com tracker through for the telekom.de as otherwise the search function does not load.

- trigger:
  - url-filter: tags-eu.tiqcdn.com/utag/telekom/
  - load-type: third-party
  - if-domain: telekom.de, www.telekom.de
- action:
  - type: ignore-previous-rules

Fix amazon.com

We let Amazon’s ad system through on Amazon as otherwise links are often broken.

- trigger:
  - url-filter: amazon-adsystem.com
  - load-type: third-party
  - if-domain: www.amazon.com, www.amazon.co.uk
- action:
  - type: ignore-previous-rules

Fix www.musicroom.com

We let Google Tag Manager and Google Analytics through for www.musicroom.com as otherwise the buttons don’t work.

- trigger:
  - url-filter: www.googletagmanager.com
  - load-type: third-party
  - if-domain: www.musicroom.com
- action:
  - type: ignore-previous-rules
- trigger:
  - url-filter: www.google-analytics.com
  - load-type: third-party
  - if-domain: www.musicroom.com
- action:
  - type: ignore-previous-rules

Allow Yandex trackers on Yandex maps

We let Yandex trackers through on Yandex.com as otherwise maps and other functionality won’t work.

- trigger:
  - url-filter: frontend.vh.yandex.ru
  - load-type: third-party
  - if-domain: yandex.ru
- action:
  - type: ignore-previous-rules
- trigger:
  - url-filter: yandex.ru
  - load-type: third-party
  - if-domain: yandex.com
- action:
  - type: ignore-previous-rules
- trigger:
  - url-filter: api-maps.yandex.ru
  - load-type: third-party
  - if-domain: yandex.ru
- action:
  - type: ignore-previous-rules

Fix m.mixcloud.com

We let a Google script and a New Relic script through for m.mixcloud.com as otherwise the page freezes.

- trigger:
  - url-filter: imasdk.googleapis.com
  - load-type: third-party
  - if-domain: m.mixcloud.com
- action:
  - type: ignore-previous-rules
- trigger:
  - url-filter: js-agent.newrelic.com
  - load-type: third-party
  - if-domain: m.mixcloud.com
- action:
  - type: ignore-previous-rules

Fix wetter.bild.de

We let one of Bild’s first-party trackers through for wetter.bild.de as otherwise the content does not load.

- trigger:
  - url-filter: code.bildstatic.de
  - load-type: third-party
  - if-domain: wetter.bild.de
- action:
  - type: ignore-previous-rules

Fix skoda-auto.de and skoda.co.uk

We let Microsoft Azure trackers through for skoda-auto.de as otherwise the content does not load.

- trigger:
  - url-filter: msecnd.net
  - load-type: third-party
  - if-domain: www.skoda-auto.de, skoda-auto.de, www.skoda.co.uk, skoda.co.uk
- action:
  - type: ignore-previous-rules

Fix login onrtbf.be

We let a gigya.com tracker through for rtbf.be as otherwise the login dialog does not load.

- trigger:
  - url-filter: gigya.com
  - load-type: third-party
  - if-domain: www.rtbf.be, rtbf.be
- action:
  - type: ignore-previous-rules

Fix videos on bloomberg.com

We let a googleapis.com through for bloomberg.com as otherwise the videos do not load.

- trigger:
  - url-filter: imasdk.googleapis.com/js/sdkloader/
  - load-type: third-party
  - if-domain: www.bloomberg.com, bloomberg.com
- action:
  - type: ignore-previous-rules

Fix videos on www.standaard.be

We let google.com trackers through for standaard.be as otherwise the videos do not load.

- trigger:
  - url-filter: www.googletagservices.com/tag/js/gpt.js
  - load-type: third-party
  - if-domain: www.standaard.be, standaard.be
- action:
  - type: ignore-previous-rules
- trigger:
  - url-filter: imasdk.googleapis.com
  - load-type: third-party
  - if-domain: www.standaard.be, standaard.be
- action:
  - type: ignore-previous-rules
- trigger:
  - url-filter: securepubads.g.doubleclick.net
  - load-type: third-party
  - if-domain: www.standaard.be, standaard.be
- action:
  - type: ignore-previous-rules
- trigger:
  - url-filter: google-analytics.com
  - load-type: third-party
  - if-domain: www.standaard.be, standaard.be
- action:
  - type: ignore-previous-rules

Fix search on ikea.com

We let a tiqcdn.com tracker through for the ikea.com as otherwise the search function does not load.

- trigger:
  - url-filter: tags.tiqcdn.com/utag/ikea/us-main/prod/utag.sync.js
  - load-type: third-party
  - if-domain: ikea.com, www.ikea.com
- action:
  - type: ignore-previous-rules

Fix videos on rtlnieuws.nl

We let imasdk.googleapis.com through just for rtlnieuws.nl as otherwise the videos on the site do not load.

- trigger:
  - url-filter: imasdk.googleapis.com/js/sdkloader/ima3.js
  - load-type: third-party
  - if-domain: rtlnieuws.nl, www.rtlnieuws.nl
- action:
  - type: ignore-previous-rules

Fix videos on abc7ny.com

We let a bluekai.com tracker through for abc7ny.com as otherwise videos do not work.

- trigger:
  - url-filter: tags.bluekai.com/site/30091
  - load-type: third-party
  - if-domain: abc7ny.com
- action:
  - type: ignore-previous-rules

Fix Twitter embeds on bleacherreport.com

We let a tiqcdn.com Twitter tracker through for the bleacherreport.com as otherwise Twitter embeds do not work.

- trigger:
  - url-filter: tags.tiqcdn.com/utag/bleacherreport/main/prod/utag.js
  - load-type: third-party
  - if-domain: bleacherreport.com
- action:
  - type: ignore-previous-rules
- trigger:
  - url-filter: tags.tiqcdn.com/utag/bleacherreport/main/prod/utag.44.js
  - load-type: third-party
  - if-domain: bleacherreport.com
- action:
  - type: ignore-previous-rules

Unblock blocker blocker channel4.com

Unblock video player blocker by allowing FreeWheel script.

- trigger:
  - url-filter: fwmrm.net
  - load-type: third-party
  - if-domain: www.channel4.com, channel4.com
- action:
  - type: ignore-previous-rules

Fix vrt.be login

We let a gigya.com tracker through for the vrt.be login as blocking it triggers the site’s blocker blocker.

- trigger:
  - url-filter: gigya.com
  - load-type: third-party
  - if-domain: login.vrt.be
- action:
  - type: ignore-previous-rules

Fix heraldo.es

We let a gigya.com tracker through for heraldo.es as otherwise the images won’t load.

- trigger:
  - url-filter: gigya.com
  - load-type: third-party
  - if-domain: www.heraldo.es
- action:
  - type: ignore-previous-rules

Unblock blocker blocker on stern.de

We let theadex.com tracker through just for stern.de as blocking it triggers the site’s blocker blocker.

- trigger:
  - url-filter: www.summerhamster.com
  - load-type: third-party
  - if-domain: www.stern.de, stern.de
- action:
  - type: ignore-previous-rules

Fix t-online.de

We let stroeerdp.de tracker through for t-online.de as otherwise the styles won’t load.

- trigger:
  - url-filter: pssl.stroeerdp.de
  - load-type: third-party
  - if-domain: www.t-online.de
- action:
  - type: ignore-previous-rules

Fix marksandspencer.com

We let tiqcdn.com tracker through for marksandspencer.com as otherwise the payment button won’t work.

- trigger:
  - url-filter: tags.tiqcdn.com/utag/marksandspencer/main/prod/utag.sync.js
  - load-type: third-party
  - if-domain: www.marksandspencer.com
- action:
  - type: ignore-previous-rules

Fix zdnet.com

We let tiqcdn.com tracker through for zdnet.com as otherwise the gallery carousel won’t work.

- trigger:
  - url-filter: tags.tiqcdn.com/utag/cbsi/zdnetglobalsite/prod/utag.js
  - load-type: third-party
  - if-domain: zdnet.com, www.zdnet.com
- action:
  - type: ignore-previous-rules

Fix www.monoprice.com

We let adobedtm.com through just for monoprice.com as otherwise the product options cannot be changed.

- trigger:
  - url-filter: assets.adobedtm.com
  - load-type: third-party
  - if-domain: www.monoprice.com, monoprice.com
- action:
  - type: ignore-previous-rules

Load comments on liverpoolecho.co.uk

We let a gigya.com tracker through for liverpoolecho.co.uk as otherwise the comments won’t load.

- trigger:
  - url-filter: gigya.com
  - load-type: third-party
  - if-domain: www.liverpoolecho.co.uk, liverpoolecho.co.uk
- action:
  - type: ignore-previous-rules

Fix book.nationalexpress.com

We let a gigya.com tracker through for book.nationalexpress.com as otherwise the search results won’t load.

- trigger:
  - url-filter: cdns.gigya.com
  - load-type: third-party
  - if-domain: book.nationalexpress.com
- action:
  - type: ignore-previous-rules

Fix apps.garmin.com

We let tiqcdn.com tracker through for apps.garmin.com as otherwise the page won’t load.

- trigger:
  - url-filter: tags.tiqcdn.com/utag/garmin/main/prod/utag.js
  - load-type: third-party
  - if-domain: apps.garmin.com
- action:
  - type: ignore-previous-rules

Fix maps on parkbee.com

We let googletagmanager.com Maps tracker through for parkbee.com as otherwise the map search doesn’t work.

- trigger:
  - url-filter: www.googletagmanager.com
  - load-type: third-party
  - if-domain: parkbee.com
- action:
  - type: ignore-previous-rules

Fix videos on wired.com, video.wired.com, arstechnica.com, video.arstechnica.com, newyorker.com

We let Condenast trackers and Wired’s CDNs through for Condenast-owned sites as otherwise video playback doesn’t work.

- trigger:
  - url-filter: cnevids.com
  - load-type: third-party
  - if-domain: www.wired.com, video.wired.com, arstechnica.com, video.arstechnica.com, www.newyorker.com, newyorker.com
- action:
  - type: ignore-previous-rules
- trigger:
  - url-filter: capture.condenastdigital.com
  - load-type: third-party
  - if-domain: www.wired.com, video.wired.com, arstechnica.com, video.arstechnica.com, www.newyorker.com, newyorker.com
- action:
  - type: ignore-previous-rules
- trigger:
  - url-filter: dp8hsntg6do36.cloudfront.net
  - load-type: third-party
  - if-domain: www.wired.com, video.wired.com, arstechnica.com, video.arstechnica.com, www.newyorker.com, newyorker.com
- action:
  - type: ignore-previous-rules
- trigger:
  - url-filter: d26t7ex48mr4bn.cloudfront.net, arstechnica.com, video.arstechnica.com, www.newyorker.com, newyorker.com
  - load-type: third-party
  - if-domain: video.wired.com
- action:
  - type: ignore-previous-rules

Fix facebook.com

We let a doubleclick.net tracker through just for m.facebook.com as otherwise issues can occur with search.

- trigger:
  - url-filter: ad.doubleclick.net
  - load-type: third-party
  - if-domain: m.facebook.com
- action:
  - type: ignore-previous-rules

Fix www.areaclienti.agosweb.it

We let adobedtm.com through just for www.areaclienti.agosweb.it as otherwise the page content won’t load.

- trigger:
  - url-filter: assets.adobedtm.com
  - load-type: third-party
  - if-domain: www.areaclienti.agosweb.it
- action:
  - type: ignore-previous-rules

Fix gumtree.com

We let a googletagmanager.com tracker through just for gumtree.com as otherwise the navigation won’t work.

- trigger:
  - url-filter: googletagmanager.com/gtm.js
  - load-type: third-party
  - if-domain: www.gumtree.com, gumtree.com
- action:
  - type: ignore-previous-rules

Unblock blocker blocker on Swiss regional news sites

Unblock in-site blocker by allowing Adnxs script.

- trigger:
  - url-filter: acdn.adnxs.com/ast
  - load-type: third-party
  - if-domain: www.basellandschaftlichezeitung.ch, www.aargauerzeitung.ch, www.bzbasel.ch
- action:
  - type: ignore-previous-rules

Fix ctvnews.ca

We let gigya.com trackers through just for ctvnews.ca as otherwise the page won’t load.

- trigger:
  - url-filter: cdns.gigya.com
  - load-type: third-party
  - if-domain: ctvnews.ca, ctvnews.com, www.ctvnews.ca, www.ctvnews.com
- action:
  - type: ignore-previous-rules

Unblock blocker blocker on kvue.com

We let em0n.com trackers through just for kvue.com as blocking it triggers the site’s blocker blocker.

- trigger:
  - url-filter: em0n.com
  - load-type: third-party
  - if-domain: www.kvue.com
- action:
  - type: ignore-previous-rules

Fix ns.nl

We let r42tag.com trackers through just for ns.nl as otherwise the content won’t load.

- trigger:
  - url-filter: tdn.r42tag.com
  - load-type: third-party
  - if-domain: www.ns.nl
- action:
  - type: ignore-previous-rules

Fix fantasygames.nascar.com

We let gigya.com trackers through just for fantasygames.nascar.com as otherwise the page won’t load.

- trigger:
  - url-filter: cdns.gigya.com
  - load-type: third-party
  - if-domain: fantasygames.nascar.com
- action:
  - type: ignore-previous-rules
- trigger:
  - url-filter: cdns.us1.gigya.com
  - load-type: third-party
  - if-domain: fantasygames.nascar.com
- action:
  - type: ignore-previous-rules

Block blocker blocker on demorgen.be

Unblock in-site blocker by allowing Google Tag Manager script.

- trigger:
  - url-filter: googletagmanager.com
  - load-type: third-party
  - if-domain: www.demorgen.be, demorgen.be
- action:
  - type: ignore-previous-rules

Fix sportbild.bild.de

We let bildstatic.de content through on sport.bild.de’s own site. Previously it was blocked as they load their content from a subdomain.

- trigger:
  - url-filter: code.bildstatic.de
  - load-type: third-party
  - if-domain: sportbild.bild.de
- action:
  - type: ignore-previous-rules

Fix learning.linkedin.com and business.linkedin.com

We let linkedin.com content through on linkedin.com’s own sites. Previously it was blocked as they load their content from a subdomain.

- trigger:
  - url-filter: content.linkedin.com
  - load-type: third-party
  - if-domain: linkedin.com, learning.linkedin.com, business.linkedin.com
- action:
  - type: ignore-previous-rules

Fix msn.com

We let msn.com third-party scripts through just for msn.com as otherwise the page won’t load.

- trigger:
  - url-filter: g0[0-9].msn.com
  - load-type: third-party
  - if-domain: www.msn.com, msn.com
- action:
  - type: ignore-previous-rules

Block blocker blocker on sport1.de

Unblock in-site blocker by allowing Adnxs script.

- trigger:
  - url-filter: acdn.adnxs.com
  - load-type: third-party
  - if-domain: sport1.de, www.sport1.de
- action:
  - type: ignore-previous-rules

Block blocker blocker on bild.de

Unblock whole-site blocker by allowing code from Bild’s CDN.

- trigger:
  - url-filter: code.bildstatic.de
  - load-type: third-party
  - if-domain: bild.de, www.bild.de, m.bild.de
- action:
  - type: ignore-previous-rules

Unblock in-site blocker by allowing Adnxs script.

- trigger:
  - url-filter: acdn.adnxs.com
  - load-type: third-party
  - if-domain: bild.de, www.bild.de, m.bild.de
- action:
  - type: ignore-previous-rules
- trigger:
  - url-filter: ib.adnxs.com
  - load-type: third-party
  - if-domain: bild.de, www.bild.de, m.bild.de
- action:
  - type: ignore-previous-rules

Unblock in-site blocker by allowing smart ad server script.

- trigger:
  - url-filter: smartadserver.com
  - load-type: third-party
  - if-domain: bild.de, www.bild.de, m.bild.de
- action:
  - type: ignore-previous-rules

Fix www.wgu.edu

We let adobedtm.com and optimizely.com through just for wgu.edu as otherwise the page content won’t load.

- trigger:
  - url-filter: assets.adobedtm.com
  - load-type: third-party
  - if-domain: www.wgu.edu, wgu.edu
- action:
  - type: ignore-previous-rules
- trigger:
  - url-filter: cdn.optimizely.com/js/
  - load-type: third-party
  - if-domain: www.wgu.edu, wgu.edu
- action:
  - type: ignore-previous-rules

Fix wfae.org

We let googletagservices.com through just for wfae.org as otherwise the page won’t load.

- trigger:
  - url-filter: www.googletagservices.com/tag/js/gpt.js
  - load-type: third-party
  - if-domain: www.wfae.org, wfae.org
- action:
  - type: ignore-previous-rules

Fix aviationweek.com

We let googletagservices.com through just for aviationweek.com as otherwise the page won’t load.

- trigger:
  - url-filter: www.googletagservices.com/tag/js/gpt.js
  - load-type: third-party
  - if-domain: aviationweek.com, m.aviationweek.com
- action:
  - type: ignore-previous-rules

Help content load on formed.org

We let cdns.gigya.com through just for formed.org as otherwise the listed images don’t load.

- trigger:
  - url-filter: cdns.gigya.com
  - load-type: third-party
  - if-domain: formed.org
- action:
  - type: ignore-previous-rules

Fix images on Motorcycle News

We let scorecardresearch.com through just for motorcyclenews.com as otherwise the listed images don’t load.

- trigger:
  - url-filter: sb.scorecardresearch.com
  - load-type: third-party
  - if-domain: www.motorcyclenews.com
- action:
  - type: ignore-previous-rules

Remove blocker blocker and fix content on Canadian Tires flyers

Unblock some of the Wishabi scripts on Canadian Tires flyers sections as it triggers a blocker blocker and blocks other content.

- trigger:
  - url-filter: f.wishabi.net
  - load-type: third-party
  - if-domain: canadiantire.ca, www.canadiantire.ca
- action:
  - type: ignore-previous-rules

Fix videos on arstechnica.com

Ars Technica loads videos from a Condé Nast domain, and videos are broken if this is not available. (Issue #550)

- trigger:
  - url-filter: cnevids.com
  - load-type: third-party
  - if-domain: arstechnica.com
- action:
  - type: ignore-previous-rules

Fix wiggle.co.uk

We let addthis.com through just for wiggle.co.uk as otherwise the Reviews functionality breaks.

- trigger:
  - url-filter: addthis.com
  - load-type: third-party
  - if-domain: wiggle.co.uk, www.wiggle.co.uk
- action:
  - type: ignore-previous-rules

Fix argos.co.uk

We let adobedtm.com through just for argos.co.uk as otherwise the add to trolley functionality breaks.

- trigger:
  - url-filter: assets.adobedtm.com
  - load-type: third-party
  - if-domain: argos.co.uk, www.argos.co.uk
- action:
  - type: ignore-previous-rules

Fix chartbeat.com

Chartbeat’s site loads assets from a subdomain chartbeat.com and the styles are broken if these are not available. (Issue #667)

- trigger:
  - url-filter: static2.chartbeat.com
  - load-type: third-party
  - if-domain: chartbeat.com
- action:
  - type: ignore-previous-rules

Fix accounts.adobe.com

Adobe’s accounts site loads assets from adobedtm.com and doesn’t work if these are not available. (Issue #569)

- trigger:
  - url-filter: assets.adobedtm.com
  - load-type: third-party
  - if-domain: accounts.adobe.com
- action:
  - type: ignore-previous-rules

Fix tmz.com

TMZ.com breaks when a function added to the page (bk_addPageCtx) from the bk-coretags.js script from bkrtx.com is not present.

- trigger:
  - url-filter: tags.bkrtx.com/js/bk-coretag.js
  - load-type: third-party
  - if-domain: tmz.com, m.tmz.com, www.tmz.com
- action:
  - type: ignore-previous-rules

Fix galleries on Macworld.com

We let scorecardresearch.com and omtrdc.net through just for macworld.com as otherwise the galleries on the site break.

- trigger:
  - url-filter: scorecardresearch.com
  - load-type: third-party
  - if-domain: macworld.com, www.macworld.com
- action:
  - type: ignore-previous-rules
- trigger:
  - url-filter: omtrdc.net
  - load-type: third-party
  - if-domain: macworld.com, www.macworld.com
- action:
  - type: ignore-previous-rules

Avoid blocker detection on TheAtlantic.com

- trigger:
  - url-filter: googletagservices.com/tag/js/gpt.js
  - load-type: third-party
  - if-domain: theatlantic.com, www.theatlantic.com
- action:
  - type: ignore-previous-rules

Unblock embedded Bing Maps and Bing Maps API

So as not to break the web. (Cookies are still blocked.)

- trigger:
  - url-filter: bing.com/maps/embed/viewer.aspx
  - load-type: third-party
- action:
  - type: ignore-previous-rules
- trigger:
  - url-filter: www.bing.com/mapspreview/sdk/mapcontrol
  - load-type: third-party
- action:
  - type: ignore-previous-rules
- trigger:
  - url-filter: www.bing.com/mapspreview/sdkrelease/mapcontrol
  - load-type: third-party
- action:
  - type: ignore-previous-rules
- trigger:
  - url-filter: www.bing.com/mapspreview/sdkfrozen/mapcontrol
  - load-type: third-party
- action:
  - type: ignore-previous-rules
- trigger:
  - url-filter: www.bing.com/maps/sdk/mapcontrol
  - load-type: third-party
- action:
  - type: ignore-previous-rules
- trigger:
  - url-filter: www.bing.com/api/maps/mapcontrol
  - load-type: third-party
- action:
  - type: ignore-previous-rules
- trigger:
  - url-filter: www.bing.com/rms
  - load-type: third-party
- action:
  - type: ignore-previous-rules

As found on Duke Energy and found on Deutschepost:

- trigger:
  - url-filter: www.bing.com/rb/
  - load-type: third-party
- action:
  - type: ignore-previous-rules
- trigger:
  - url-filter: www.bing.com/rs/
  - load-type: third-party
- action:
  - type: ignore-previous-rules
- trigger:
  - url-filter: www.bing.com/maps/geotfe/comp/
  - load-type: third-party
- action:
  - type: ignore-previous-rules
- trigger:
  - url-filter: www.bing.com/maps/sdkrelease/mapcontrol
  - load-type: third-party
- action:
  - type: ignore-previous-rules

As found on Garmin Livetrack:

- trigger:
  - url-filter: www.bing.com/sa/simg/maps_
  - load-type: third-party
- action:
  - type: ignore-previous-rules
- trigger:
  - url-filter: www.bing.com/fd/ls/lsp.aspx
  - load-type: third-party
- action:
  - type: ignore-previous-rules

As found on UPS Location Finder

- trigger:
  - url-filter: www.bing.com/rp
  - load-type: third-party
- action:
  - type: ignore-previous-rules

About Better

Better is a Safari content blocker for iPhone, iPad, and Mac. It protects you from trackers and malvertising by enforcing the principles of Ethical Design.

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