TownNews (

“INN Partners, L.C., doing business as, provides online publishing and revenue solutions to news websites.” – Source

Ethical design violations

(Learn more about Ethical Design.)

Block rule

Block ads on is used by quite a lot of local news sites not only to serve ads but also as a content delivery network (CDN). We specifically want to block the tracking without effecting the experience of the site as much as possible so we are targetting the ad-specific scripts only.


Clean up the experience affiliate sites all use the same markup, so let’s help improve the experience on the ones that we know.

- trigger:
  - url-filter: .*
- action:
  - selector: .tnt-ads, .dfp-ad
  - type: css-display-none


Moderate: found on 0.6% of surveyed sites (44 instances observed).


About Better

Better is a Safari content blocker for iPhone, iPad, and Mac. It protects you from trackers and malvertising by enforcing the principles of Ethical Design.

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